Community Christian Academy
Christian Education for Students in Grades K-12
Students Continue Showing #Loveinaction
Just a reminder as the month winds down that our Warrior Challenge for this month is to personally do a random act of service or partner with a local non-profit of your choice. Pictured below Elizabeth and Isabella Chapman handed out supplies with the ACTS ministry...
CCA celebrates 2021-2022 Homecoming
On Friday night, CCA celebrated their 2021-2022 Homecoming. The 9th, 10th, and 11th grade class selects representatives for the night. The 12th grade selects four sets of representatives and then the middle school and high school select a King and Queen....
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
Achieving the All A or All AB Honor Roll takes dedication on the part of students and parents. Thank you, parents, for helping your student reach this goal and for supporting the faculty of CCA. The hard work of our students is verified by the following lists....
Senior McCall Johnson Signs w/ Bethel University
Congratulations to CCA Senior McCall Johnson as she signed a scholarship to play soccer at Bethel University under the leadership of Coaches Misty Aird and Armando Guell Castro. McCall has been a member of the Pumas Futbol Club since 2012 coached by Gerardo Herrera....
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