Community Christian Academy is an educational frontier where students learn the core values of holding in high esteem the simple act of learning, in an environment diffused with the elevation of academics, sportsmanship, and musical ability. This is a place of growth, principled by the atmosphere of non-denominational Christian faith.


Community Christian Academy is an educational frontier where students learn the core values of holding in high esteem the simple act of learning, in an environment diffused with the elevation of academics, sportsmanship, and musical ability. This is a place of growth, principled by the atmosphere of non-denominational Christian faith.


Community Christian Academy is an educational frontier where students learn the core values of holding in high esteem the simple act of learning, in an environment diffused with the elevation of academics, sportsmanship, and musical ability. This is a place of growth, principled by the atmosphere of non-denominational Christian faith.


Community Christian Academy is an educational frontier where students learn the core values of holding in high esteem the simple act of learning, in an environment diffused with the elevation of academics, sportsmanship, and musical ability. This is a place of growth, principled by the atmosphere of non-denominational Christian faith.



Community Christian Academy

Christian Education for Students in Grades K-12

🎸 Rock Your School! 🎸

🎸 Rock Your School! 🎸

On Thursday, October 21 CCA Elementary participated in “Rock Your School!” Grades K-5th each represented a decade from the 50’s-90’s. Classroom activities were based around that decade. For instance, the 5th grade 50’s hosted a “Decimal Diner” while 2nd grade 80’s had...

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5th Grade Student Wins T-Shirt Design Competition

5th Grade Student Wins T-Shirt Design Competition

Recently a t-shirt competition was announced for our upcoming “Meet the Warriors!” Students submitted designs and our Senior students voted for their favorite! 5th grader Bailey Carrico was the winner for the elementary division and her shirt will be featured on the...

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Kindness Club Supports Operation Christmas Child

Kindness Club Supports Operation Christmas Child

🌍 🌏 Recently our 3rd-5th grade Kindness Club met together to pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! The club has been able to show kindness in many ways throughout the year and now this one gets to go across the globe! 🌎 🌎 [gallery columns="2" size="medium"...

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Our Warrior Wear store is up and running!  It will stay open year round and you can order at any time!  You may also find its web address on our website, under "Other," on our Parent Resources page. www.ccaschoolstore.com

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About | CCA | Christian Education

Who We Are

Let us tell you more about Community Christian Academy.

Parent Resources | CCA | Christian Education

Parent Resources

What you and your young warrior need to be prepared.

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Academic Calendar

Timing is everything. View what we have going on.


Community is the most vital longing in our hearts. Placed there by God, we all have the need to connect through relationships – with others and with Him. CCA is a welcoming place where everyone has a purpose and a passion. Students and parents are an essential part of CCA.

110 Lebanon Church Road
Paducah, KY 42003

© 2018 Community Christian Academy. All Rights Reserved.